Lauren Barnholdt: Aces Up

Iyanu Ajibade

Author: Lauren Barnholdt

Title: Aces Up

Genre: Non-fiction



Age Group: 15 up to college

Gender: Male & Female

Related Interests: Job,Gamble,Pressure

Rated: PG


Book rating- I would rate this book a 5, because the book it relates to the normal things that teenagers go through when it comes to them doing things that they don’t want their parents to know about. The book also connects to the relationship of a family that is going through a lot of things that might or might not impact the family. The book finds away to just connect with each part of a person’s life.
Summary of “Aces up” : Aces Up is about a young girl named Shannon who is seventeen, and gets a job at a casino at with fake ID unknowingly to her parents. One day as she was getting ready to go home she find a mysterious not in her locker which is an invitation for her to join “ Aces up” which is a secret poker club. Shannon is confused, and doesn’t know  what to do until Cole comes into her life, and changes her view about poker. One night after work when her car couldn’t start Cole comes in, and persuades her to play a round of poker after that she feel a rush going through her; as if she was meant to play, and at the end of the games she ends up winning a good amount of money within  her first sit down. We just hope that it doesn’t turn out horrible at the end.