Dedicated to Helping Northwest

Nhaya Vaidya

Ambassadors is one of the many clubs that Northwest offers. It was formed to benefit the Northwest community as students are required to do a hour of service for the northwest community every month. The two sponsors of the club are Ms Erichson and Ms Nagl of the foreign language department. Students can begin to apply at the end of the year around April. In order to apply, students must fill out a form, complete with basic information and questions to answer, such as why do you want to be an ambassador. One of the sponsors, Ms Erichson says that “it is important to do work for the community, as students learn leadership roles, and it benefits the teachers who need help”. The leadership roles of the club are the officers. Each grade has a certain number of student officers divided by last names. There job is to make sure everyone in their group has done the required needs for that month. Eesha Vasist, is a junior officer enjoys serving the local community, and talking to different people in other grade. As an officer she learns organization skills such as filing papers and  managing time. Her favorite part of being an officer is to think of different fundraising ideas to raise money to help the Northwest community. A perk of being an officer, is getting cupcakes at every officer meeting.  Becoming an ambassador is taking on more responsibility but helping you manage time while having fun.