Northwest Student Made American Visions Nominee

Germantown, MD – On Thursday, Jan. 30, a Northwest student was nominated for the American Visions Award. This prestigious accomplishment is notable even among the winners for the Scholastic Art and Writing Competition. Students who participated in the competition, and were given an award, received either an honorable mention, silver key, or gold key as regional awards.  However, only five students from each region were given an even higher honor.

Northwest’s own Titarchuk Yaroslava is one such student, nominated for the American Visions award, for her drawing and illustration titled “I’m Not Russian. I’m Ukrainian.” According to her creative writing teacher, Mrs. Hodgson, she is welcoming, inquisitive, and notably mature about her learning, and always says good morning.

We here at PawPrints want to highlight this extraordinary accomplishment by a Northwest student, because it shows just how talented us Jaguars are! 

(“I’m Not Russian, I’m Ukrainian” courtesy of Titarchuk Yaroslava)