Ray Bradbury: The Illustrated Man

Walter Sanabria

Book details:

Author: Ray Bradbury

Title: The Illustrated Man

Genre: Sci-fi



Age Group: 13-20

Gender : Both genders

Related interest: Space, religion, death, robots, short stories, aliens, historical figures


Book ratings: 4


Brief Rating explanation: The book overall showed multiple views on life with multiple different stories while keeping me entertained but the grammar a points would lose me because the sentences semi-complex and very vague which turned to hit or misses for me throughout the book.Overall it’s a book that in a childish way showed me many things that apply to the real world and how are society in some ways acts or looks.


Brief synopsis:

The book is about multiple stories that can be viewed on a man who has been tattooed with moving tattoos.He meets another man who looks at his tattoo and watches multiple stories play out the stories are childish and fantasy like but keep touch with reality.He finishes the series of stories and then finds out about the tattooed mans life which leaves him appalled ending with his exit after watching his death at the hands of the tattooed man.