Everyone Loves Fame

Iyanu Ajibade

If you didn’t come see the play “Fame” you missed out on one of the most talked about play of all times. Kids from all grades came together to put on one of the best plays that I’ve ever seen.Fame is about kids who audition for a spot in a performing arts school in New York City, and they find out it’s not all fun and games when it comes to making it to the top. The drama department did a fantastic job making sure that they didn’t leave any details out. All the dancers,the actors,the energy,and the vibe that was portrayed in the play was amazing. The teaser was so mind-blowing that people wanted to see what was going to happen next. The cast stayed in school late , and worked their butts off for several day in order to put on a groundbreaking show.

The drama department over the years have grown to be like a family . They care for each other,have fun, and most importantly love each other. The play was a way for new friendships to grow, and also for new talent to be established. When asked what other role she would have done instead of a dancer, Blessing Kamasse, said, “ I wouldn’t picture myself being anything else other than a dancer.” The play was a great way for the kids to express themselves, and to just do what they love in front of their classmates.  Fame,once again was one of the best plays that showcased the passion that each character, and dancer had. I would definitely watch it all over again.