Was the Modified Bell Schedule Necessary?


Marwa Barakat, Editor-in-Chief

This week, on Monday and Tuesday, we followed a modified bell schedule with extended periods, similar to a block schedule. This schedule was made to ensure that students taking a math Progress Check had enough time to finish. While it seems beneficial, the Northwest community has mixed feelings about it. 

According to junior Contessa Ng, who took the MCPS Progress Check, “We only needed one class period…most people finished between 25 to 30 minutes, and the rest finished in 40.” Additionally, Kayla Han, a senior who took a Progress Check as well, says, “Some of the classes are unnecessarily long, but we only use half a period for the progress check.”  

While the extended periods may have helped some students have enough time to finish their test, the majority finished in much less than the time. Therefore, Northwest might need to reevaluate the modified bell schedule to make more effective use of time.